Tuesday 15th  of June 8:00-12:00 (UK time)

Wednesday 16th  of June 16:00-20:00 (UK time)




  • To lay out IPPF’s strategic priorities and provide an overview of how the reform agenda is paving the way for a more MA-centric, transparent, unified and accountable Federation as we begin developing our next Strategic Framework.
  • To present IPPF’s programmatic and financial performance over the previous year and discuss the opportunities and challenges ahead in delivering our Strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • To discuss some of the critical themes to be addressed by the next Strategic Framework including preserving our gains against the opposition and decolonizing SRHR.

15 min

Participants join the meeting

5 min

Introduction & Overview

Riva Eskinazi, Director, Strategic Partnerships & Development

5 min

Welcome Remarks

Our Board member will welcome participants and share reflections from the 1st year of IPPF’s new Board.

Abhina Aher, IPPF Board of Trustees

15 min

Delivering no matter what: Reflections from 2020 and priorities for the road ahead

IPPF’s Director General will outline priorities and challenges for the Federation in the year ahead.

Alvaro Bermejo, Director General

8 min

Financial Performance in 2020 & Financial Outlook for 2021-2022

IPPF’s Director of Finance and Technology will present the financial performance and forecasted financial plan to deliver the Strategic Framework in 2021-2022 and will outline the newly strengthened finance and assurance mechanisms.

Varun Anand, Director, Finance and Technology

27 min

Questions & Answers

Q&A session with the Director General and the attending members of the Board of Trustees.

5 min

Short break

40 min

Delivering no matter what: Stepping up innovation and adaptation

This session will present highlights from 2020 with a focus on the innovation and adaptation of different service delivery models during the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentations will be followed by Q&A and discussion.

Manuelle Hurwitz, Director, Programmes Division

Voices from the field

Delivering no matter what: Reaching out to youth through digital CSE
Uluk Batyrgaliev, Youth Volunteer, CSE Educator & IPPF Board Member, Reproductive Health Alliance Kyrgyzstan

Delivering no matter what: Digital interventions to expand service delivery
Sarah Jane Biton, Program Operations Group Head, Family Planning Organization of the Philippines

Delivering no matter what: Outreach programmes under COVID-19
Dr. Syed Kamal Shah, CEO, Rahnuma - Family Planning Association of Pakistan

Delivering no matter what: Working with refugees in humanitarian settings
Yacoub Ebnou, Programme Director, Association Mauritanienne pour la Promotion de la Famille , Mauritania

10 min

Short Break

45 min

Delivering no matter what: IPPF’s Advocacy Common Agenda & Tackling opposition in times of crisis.

This session will provide an overview of IPPF’s advocacy outcomes at global, regional and national levels. In 2020, IPPF stepped up its efforts to tackle opposition through the Movement Accelerator Platform (MAP). A panel will present MAP’s work, with examples from Member Associations. The presentations will be followed by Q&A.

IPPF’s Advocacy Common Agenda
Anamaria Bejar, Global Director, Advocacy

Tackling opposition in times of crises

Moderator: Irene Donadio, Senior Lead on Strategy and Partnership & Co-Chair of the MAP, European Network

• Tackling Opposition – Francy Cifuentes, Director, IPPF Opposition Hub,
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

• Reframing the Narrative – Zainab Mukhtar, Communications and Marketing Officer,
Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria

50 min

Decolonizing SRHR with Intersectional Feminism as we build IPPF’s next Strategy

How do we bring ‘intersectionality’ to IPPF’s next strategy and how do we ensure an anti-oppressive framework; namely on (re)actioning the principles of neo-colonialism, whilst advancing feminism and anti-racism. In this interactive roundtable discussion, we will learn from those on this path, as we explore themes and ideas that will influence IPPF’s next Strategic Framework.

Moderator: Kate Gilmore, IPPF Board Chair

Mona Eltahawy, Freelance journalist

Tlaleng-Mofokeng, UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health

Bassey Nyambi, Director, Global Partnerships, Planned Parenthood Federation of America

25 min

Closing Session: Donors’ Perspectives

In this interactive session, participants will be invited to share their reflections, perspectives on the current environment for SRHR and feedback from the meeting.

5 min

Wrap Up & Next Steps

Riva Eskinazi, Director, Strategic Partnerships & Development


End of the Annual Consultative Meeting