Tuesday 15th  of June 8:00-12:00 (UK time)

Wednesday 16th  of June 16:00-20:00 (UK time)


How to join

Getting the best out of the IPPF 2021 Annual Consultative Meeting with Donors & Partners Zoom webinar

Joining the meeting in Zoom

  • When you registered you will have received an email from ‘IPPF Meeting Support’ or ‘IPPF Support’ <no-reply@zoom.us> which contains your unique link for entry to the meeting
  • We recommend that you join the webinar 15 minutes before it starts to ensure the link and all your equipment is working correctly
  • The meeting is a Zoom webinar format, so you will be in the audience initially with no camera or microphone until the Q&A and interactive sessions commence

Top tips

  • Please use the messaging function to let us know how the meeting is going and the Q&A function if you have any comments or questions
  • Use the strongest internet connection available to you
  • Use the latest version of Chrome or Firefox

Technical Support

There will be several Support options available to you during your meetings.

  • We will keep you updated through the chat/message function if we have any technical issues
  • If you need assistance, please let us know