Tuesday 15th  of June 8:00-12:00 (UK time)

Wednesday 16th  of June 16:00-20:00 (UK time)


Feedback Questionnaire

We would be grateful if you could complete the following questionnaire regarding your experience of the 2021 IPPF Annual Consultative Meeting.  The answers you provide will help us ensure that future meetings provide a useful and productive forum to exchange information.  As a learning organisation, we want this forum to support our efforts to be a more effective organization.

    Your Name

    Your Organization

    Where requested, please rank the following questions 1 to 5 as follows:

    1. Significantly below expectation/very unsatisfied
    2. Slightly below expectation/mildly unsatisfied
    3. Met expectation (i.e. 100% delivery)/satisfied
    4. Slightly above expectation/very satisfied
    5. Significantly above expectation/extremely satisfied

    General Questions

    Q1: What element of the 2021 Annual Consultative meeting did you find most interesting or useful? (optional)

    Q2: What was your primary objective for attendance at the 2021 Annual Consultative Meeting and did the meeting allow you to meet this objective? (Please tick the appropriate box)

    Q3: Did you feel there was sufficient time for discussion, feedback and questions?


    Q4: Please rate which sessions you found the most useful and why using the 1 – 5 ranking. Where you did not attend a session, please write not applicable (NA).

    Session Title

    Rank (1-5)

    Reason, and how could it be improved? (Optional)

    Welcome Remarks from Abhina Aher, IPPF Board of Trustees

    Reflections from the Director General

    Financial Performance 2020, Varun Anand

    Stepping up innovation and adaptation, Manuelle Hurwitz

    Voices from the field - MA presentations

    IPPF’s Advocacy Common Agenda, Amamaria Bejar

    Tackling opposition in times of crisis Panel discussion

    Roundtable - Decolonizing SRHR with Intersectional Feminism as we build IPPF’s next Strategy

    Closing Session: Donors’ Perspectives

    Q5: What is one change that could have improved the Annual Consultative Meeting?

    Q6: What one topic would you like to discuss at a future Annual Consultative Meeting?

    Q7: Please rank the meeting platform and technology against your expectations?


    User friendliness:

    How engaging/interactive was the platform:

    Thank you very much for your input!